Beeline Sub-Brand

Can a telecom operator be liked by everyone? Not likely. But what if it wants to appeal to an audience that appreciates simple solutions and quiet communications. How to do it without harming the main brand? By creating a sub-brand that doesn’t try to please everyone. One that will be what it wants to be. One that will play on contrasting itself with its parent brand.

The mark was originally designed as an identity for an internal design team and was only used by its members.
One day, we decided to use the logo for an experimental merch launch, and then it officially became known to everyone.

Beyond branding, the ideas of informational silence and simplicity sprout into the app. A customer who pays for simplicity should get it without any compromise.

Watch the full story behind sub-brand launch at the Design Prosmotr conference in May 2023.

Release date
April 17, 2024
Art director & designer
Evgeny Filatov

Merch designer
Boris Alaev

© 2009...2022
Made in Russia